Almighty Allah in Surat al-Nazi'aat 79:30 speaking clearly about Dahwul

Ardh says:
“and the earth-after that He spread it out (dahahaa)...”

So what is Dahwul Ardh?

Dahwul Ardh - the 25th of Dhulqa'dah
The phrase "Dahwul Ardh" literally means “The spread of the earth”.
In another tradition it is reported that
The first Rahmah & blessing from Allah swt descended on this very day.
Hence it is a very important occasion indeed.

This day is one of those four days, which are distinguished for the excellence of fasting.
According to a tradition of the Holy Prophet (s):
Whosoever fasts on this day, his fast would equal 70 years of fasting.
Many a'amaal of this day have also been mentioned in various books.

How is Dahwul Ardh applicable in the present era & how must we celebrate it?

Islam was not revealed for a certain time and to a particular people. It's laws and teachings apply for all ages to come.
We should try to appreciate this vital truth and behold the "universality" of the religious teachings.
Our duty in every age when this Earth Day is celebrated should be to ponder over this God-given blessings, the reason why it was created, whether it is utilized for the purpose it was created for, the crisis it faces at present, the remedy for such crisis, etc.
This would really make the celebration a celebration of true faith and concern,
and a celebration of thanking the All-Merciful Creator who created the world for man's good.

Today is the Day when the earth had been spread on the water where the Holy Kaa'-bah is now situated.
It is reported on the authority of Imam Ali bin Moosa Ar Riza (A.S.) that today the two distinguished Prophets of Allah,
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) and Prophet Essa (A.S.) were born.


The earth is created as a preparing ground & means for human perfection and
to understand the purity of the heart and soul.
Sadly, however, many a people, instead of maintaining it for a good Hereafter, tend to destroy it for selfish gains.

And in chapter 7, verse 10, Almighty Allah says:
"Indeed We made you to live in the earth and made therein for you the means of livelihood;
(but) little is it that you thank."
In this verse, "little is it that you thank" should not merely be taken as "verbal thanks,"
the reality of "shukr" is to use the gift for the purpose it was created.

May this day bring Peace, Happiness and Prosperity in Your Lives
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